Pillow: From accessory to opportunity
Why should the PILLOW be the Cinderella of the sleep system?
It’s a question that those who work in this industry have often asked themselves. We’ve thought about it for a long time and our experience actually teaches us that pillows are a great opportunity!
Just think about it: our biggest competitor might simply be the lack of awareness of the extraordinary potential of a product that’s often relegated to a supporting role.

So we’ve given the humble PILLOW its very own exhibition SPACE as we want to illustrate just how much know-how goes into this small but fundamental article in our range.

A simple, interchangeable product, but one that plays a pivotal role in the padded products sector.
Come and meet us at INTERZUM 2023 and learn more about the infinite customisation opportunities and the wide range of models we’ve created for you.
9-12 May, Cologne
Stand J 19, Hall 11.2
For further information please contact us