All Med
Fresh and comfy
Consisting of two shaped ergonomic layers, All Med provides the spinal column with proper support.
Sandwiched between the two parts is a highly reticulated foam layer that allows continuous airflow to prevent dampness. Contact side in thermoregulating viscoelastic material with PCM technology.
Other benefits
upper layer with 7 differentiated support zones
adapts to adjustable bed frames
upper layer in thermo-regulating viscoelastic PCM
lower layer in natural-base high density micro-cellular foam
- central layer of exploded reticular foam
differentiated groove zones
corrugated lower shaping
Production processes

Water-based glue

Differentiated firmness zones

Memory foam

Mobile bed frame-suitable

Anti-mite material

CFC-free material

Deformation-resistant material

Breathable material

Block shaping


3D video on request
All Med
Fresh and comfy
Consisting of two shaped ergonomic layers, All Med provides the spinal column with proper support.
Sandwiched between the two parts is a highly reticulated foam layer that allows continuous airflow to prevent dampness. Contact side in thermoregulating viscoelastic material with PCM technology.
Altri benefit
- sostegno superiore a 7 zone differenziate
- adattabilità alle reti mobili
- strato superiore in PCM viscoelastico termoregolato
- strato inferiore in schiuma microcellulare a base naturale
- strato centrale in schiuma reticolata esplosa
- scavatura a zone differenziate
- sagomatura inferiore ondulata
- sagomatura
- scavatura

Water-based glue

Differentiated firmness zones

Memory foam

Mobile bed frame-suitable

Anti-mite material

CFC-free material

Deformation-resistant material

Breathable material

Block shaping
